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...Links to the certification: Amazon Web Service: Twilio: FullContact: Data transmission by the subcontractor MailGun is protected by standard contractual clauses within the meaning of Art. 46 para. 2 lit. c GDPR. You can find more information on data protection at Userlike at...

...affected if offensive, false and illegal content remains online and is not penalised: Lies on the internet can cost employees their job if their boss comes across them and believes them. Friendships can break up if false facts are claimed online and it is not possible for those affected to...

...Very large online platforms are overseen by the European Commission. Therefore, the Digital Services Coordinator has more influence on the smaller platforms. Examples for very large online platforms: Instagram, X (formerly Twitter), TikTok, LinkedIn, Youtube Examples for smaller platforms: Telegram, Tinder, Twitch, Discord, Mastodon, Pornhub, Etsy, reddit ...

...extremism. The latter includes HateAid with its competence network against hate on the Internet. “Democracy thrives on the participation of all. We are therefore watching the escalation of online violence with great concern: more and more people are being insulted, threatened and deliberately forced out of public discourse online.... return to duties after break following abuse., Viewed: 29/06/21 5 Policy Brief “notice and (NO) action”: Lessons (not) learned from testing the content moderation systems of very large social media platforms. Counter Extremism Project, June 2021. 6 European Commission, 2018. Flash Eurobarometer 469: Illegal content online,

...accept online hate and violence as unavoidable. Many lapse into silence. We will tolerate none of it any longer! We want to relieve them from the feelings of powerlessness and resentment and provide hope for a fair-minded and solidarity-based Germany and Europe. The lawsuit is our response to the failure...

... These are only some of the HateAid’s recommendations on Digital Services Act, specifically linked to online content moderation and access to justice. Read more in our DSA Position here. List of references: Peter Steiner, The New Yorker, July 5, 1993. Ong, E. (2021). Online Repression and Self-Censorship: Evidence...

...spreading all over the internet unhindered. Journalists and reporters are among one of the groups particularly exposed to online violence on social media platforms. Earlier this year Reporters Without Borders sued Facebook for failing their promise to provide “safe” and “errorfree” online environment based on a large-scale proliferation...

...reported illegal content and deletes it completely. Only Facebook has the key to this.” The spread of misquotes and memes happens very quickly online and is almost impossible to stop. If these defamations remain online, there can be terrible consequences not only for the person concerned, but for our...

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