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...a) Facebook and Instagram of Meta Platforms Inc, 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA; http://www.facebook.com/policy.php; further information on data collection: http://www.facebook.com/help/186325668085084 and http://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/your-info#everyoneinfo. Meta Platforms Inc. is certified to protect your data in accordance with the EU-US Data Privacy Framework. Link to the certification: https://www.dataprivacyframework.gov/s/participant-search/participant-detail?id=a2zt0000000GnywAAC&status=Active b)...

...platform rules. The latter can, for example, be cases of disinformation or hatred that platforms claim to not allow based on their terms and conditions. This is what we recommend: Feel free to report any content that looks potentially illegal to you as this may be subject to...

...the rights of users. Press contact HateAid presse@hateaid.org, Tel. +49 (0)30 252 088 02 Download Press Release [1] Center for Countering Digital Hate (2021): Failure to protect. How tech giants fail to act on user’s reports of antisemitism, URL: https://counterhate.com/research/failure-to-protect/ [2] https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/01/14/twitter-moderation-cutbacks-impact/ [3] https://www.rnd.de/medien/twitter-uebernahme-trump-wieder-da-kanye-west-gebannt-musks-verwirrender-kurs-bei-der-kontrolle-von-M6C6S2XWCBIM47SCPYJTL37NFI.html ...

...rules, relying on the fact that users have no chance to appeal – for example, when it comes to the non-deletion of incitements to hatred. There has been no single case where a social network was prosecuted for this by the authorities. This is why civil society has to get...

...Avital Grinberg (Former President, European Union of Jewish Students) and Josephine Ballon (Head of Legal, HateAid) in front of the Berlin Regional Court © HateAidDownload Action display for the #TwitterTrial in front of the Berlin Regional Court © HateAidDownload Josephine Ballon (Head of Legal, HateAid) © HateAidDownload Avital Grinberg (Former...

...to delete unlawful comments and to delete hate comments with the same meaning and wording. The court leaves many questions unanswered regarding the exact form of the deletion obligation, for example with regard to technical aids and manual checking obligations. This means that national courts in Europe must now decide...

...on this in Germany, so legal certainty is lacking for those affected with regard to the scope of the obligation to delete: Lawyer Matthias Pilz, from the law firm Jun Rechtsanwälte, which represents Ms Künast, commented: “There is only effective protection for those affected if Facebook searches for all...

...problems in politics and society and by providing specific solutions for a better coexistence. All this with one goal: an internet that allows freedom of speech and participation. Our Vision HateAid was founded in the conviction that everyone has the right to freely express themselves on the...

...able to call you back due to the high volume of calls. If we are able to do so in individual cases, we will call you back with a suppressed number for data protection reasons. To the reporting form You can also use the reporting form to...

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