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...applies to intermediary services such as ISPs and domain name registrars, hosting services such as cloud and web hosting services, and online platforms such as online marketplaces, app stores, and social media platforms. Why is HateAid working on that topic and does all of this mean there will be a...

...Amber Van de Maele, Aurélie Gilen, Mona Giacometti Coordination, Catherine Van de Heyning and Michel Walrave, 31 January 2023. https://sarahschlitz.be/wp-content/uploads/sites/300/2023/03/Research-about-online-sexual-violence-in-Belgium.pdf (3) The research was commissioned by Bumble and carried out online by Research Without Barriers. Surveys were conducted between 15th-18th October 2021 with 1,793 respondents who live in England...

...and how to report content: Guidelines of the platforms Facebook community standards Instagram community guidelines Twitter community rules YouTube community guidelines TikTok community guidelines Snapchat community guidelines Strengthening human rights online HateAid is committed to a better internet. We rely on donations for this work. If...

...For very large platforms and search engines (including X), the new rules have already applied since August 25, 2023. You can find a list of online platforms to which the DSA already applies on the European Commission’s website. Why is the DSA relevant for researchers? Online...

...What is the role of online platforms?  Collaboration between law enforcement and online platforms is vital. Platforms should have efficient and expedited procedures for taking down explicit content without consent. There’s a need to strengthen general privacy laws that can contribute to the protection of people’s personal information, making...

...asked. False claims are spread about you on social media. You are attacked in online groups. Someone has posted intimate pictures of you online. A fake profile of you was created, with your pictures and personal info. You’ve discovered inciting content. Legal enforcement It is important to you...

...is therefore feasible for social networks to effectively protect users from hate. And it is necessary, because digital violence and disinformation contribute to the division of societies worldwide: for example, when right-wing extremists orchestrate coordinated online attacks on political opponents to silence them. Or when conspiracy ideologies are spread to...

...we are a member of “Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft (ITZ)”, an initiative by Transparency International Deutschland e.V.. In our current transparency report you can find all important information about our organisation (only available in German). How safe is it to donate online? Your donation via the online form is...

...threats and sexual harassment: every second young woman is the target of digital violence on social media. Facebook, X (Twitter) and online platforms alike have so far done too little to combat hate on their platforms. With the new EU law, the Digital Services Act (DSA), the EU...

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