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...has ushered in a new era for the basic digital rights of users. Through a petition demanding better protection of women on social media and various actions run together with an alliance of international organisations, HateAid has critically contributed to the legislative process over the past year and given victims...

...against data analysis a few years ago: accounts of researchers at New York University were blocked, and the organisation AlgorithmWatch felt compelled to stop a project on Meta’s Instagram platform in the face of an impending lawsuit. At present, researchers hardly receive the necessary amount of data to carry out... order to be able to react well to new developments and to be able to prevent the strategic spread of propaganda. Examples could be: The temporary blocking of particularly active accounts or the hiding of comments. We also consider Twitter’s already announced allocation of labels for tweets and accounts that...

...The photo and the comments remain, your helplessness, shame and fear of the aggressive unknown perpetrators get worse every day. Anyone can become a target of digital violence It can happen to anyone! Women and girls become targets of digital violence in social media. Hate speech, insults and sexualized...

...of digital violence against female politicians and developing possible policy approaches with the research partners Technical University of Munich and the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford; Empowering women: enabling politically active women through specialised counseling and tailored training; Raising awareness: campaigns to inform decision-makers and empower...

...President, European Union of Jewish Students) © HateAidDownload Avital Grinberg (Former President, European Union of Jewish Students) and Josephine Ballon (Head of Legal, HateAid) © HateAidDownload Avital Grinberg (Former President, European Union of Jewish Students) and Josephine Ballon (Head of Legal, HateAid) in front of the Berlin Regional Court ©...

...are representative of eligible voters in Germany. All of the above results were queried on a scale of five (“Fully agree” – “Strongly disagree”) with an additional fallback category. The above results summarise the respective proportions for “fully agree” and “partially agree”. Consequences for our society A... explicitly remove illegal content within a deadline of 24 hours. HateAid will systematically test the new tools the DSA brings and advocate for their enforcement. Compared with the NetzDG, the DSA focuses less on the take down of comments and more on the containment of systemic risks posed...

...proper education and training for law enforcement to better identify digital violence against women and ensure gender-sensitive police services. Photo: Selene Magnolia Misogynists call for hate attacks in messaging boards and other social media platforms. Far-right extremists deliberately publish private addresses of women and incite others...

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