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...political change: We advocate for improvements in legislation and law enforcement, on platforms, and in civil society to protect women in politics at national and EU level. Scientific basis Interlocking of civil society & science What is special about the project is that civil society and science work...

...and stands up against digital violence and its consequences at both social and political levels. HateAid provides concrete support to people affected by online violence in the form of counselling and litigation financing. HateAid is part of the Landecker Digital Justice Movement that finances strategic litigation and landmark...

...complaint mechanism to get a second review of your report of content. You can initiate the internal complaint mechanism up to 6 months after you have received the information about the rejection of your report. You can submit your complaint electronically and can file this complaint free of charge....

...to explicitly remove illegal content within a deadline of 24 hours. HateAid will systematically test the new tools the DSA brings and advocate for their enforcement. Compared with the NetzDG, the DSA focuses less on the take down of comments and more on the containment of systemic risks posed...

...to show your attackers their limits. You want to take legal action against infringing content. We support you with the following free services: We document, report and check digital violence for you Help with filing a complaint Litigation financing Referral to competent contact persons, such as psychologists, IT specialists and...

Getting the DSA right To the EU Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology and the Head of Unit “Digital Services and Platforms”, Mr. Prabhat Agarwal, We, the undersigned 21 consultation centers, helplines, experts and survivors of image based sexual abuse, are writing to require the designation of...

...70 percent of cases  One in two people are dissatisfied with how platforms handle reported abusive content. The main causes: Intransparency, incomprehensible responses and lack of reactions from the platforms.   48% of those who have already reported violent content complain that the platforms have done nothing about it.  What...

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