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...Rainer Faus, Managing Partners of Pollytix Sylvia Bühler, Member of the ver.di Federal Executive Board and Head of the Health, Social Services, Education and Science Department Christoph Schmitz, Member of the ver.di Federal Executive Board and Head of the Department of Financial Services, Communication and Technology, Culture, Supply and Waste...

...academia and MEPs, should celebrate. The scope and consequences of image-based sexual abuse are devastating, and I am pleased that the European Parliament has taken the matter in their hands. Now it is the time for the governments and the Council to recognize significance of the issue and act by...

...If a report was not successful, users can also contact specific civil society organisations. These so-called “trusted flaggers” have privileged reporting channels and can provide support in such cases. Out-of-court settlement: For an independent assessment of the respective case, affected persons can also request an out-of-court settlement. This can...

to the press release TwitterTrial: lawsuit only possible in Ireland Donate now Making human rights count online. About us HateAid is a non-profit organisation that promotes human rights in digital space and stands up against digital violence and its consequences at both social and political levels. ...

...deletion of defamatory and insulting content. Therefore, HateAid demands: Security and Support: Users need simple and comprehensible access to platform support, fast reporting options, prompt checking and deletion of illegal content. Clear rights: Currently, victims of digital violence must rely too heavily on the goodwill of the platforms. The...

...already seen hate and incitement on the internet on several occasions, and every second young adult has been affected by digital violence themselves. 30 percent of European women are afraid that intimate images could be published online without their consent. Introducing complaints on all content decisions HateAid positively...

...had publicly commented on the proceedings to the press and on social networks. The court followed the argument. Josephine Ballon, CEO of HateAid, comments: “This verdict is the nail in the coffin for many cases of strategic litigation in Germany. These lawsuits aim to clarify fundamental legal questions...

...President, European Union of Jewish Students) © HateAidDownload Avital Grinberg (Former President, European Union of Jewish Students) and Josephine Ballon (Head of Legal, HateAid) © HateAidDownload Avital Grinberg (Former President, European Union of Jewish Students) and Josephine Ballon (Head of Legal, HateAid) in front of the Berlin Regional Court ©...

...the net leaves its mark. In view of the increasing brutalization on the Internet, many people are afraid to take a stand. 43 percent of women and 35 percent of men are generally more cautious and anonymous in social media because of possible attacks. An indictment of Facebook, Twitter and...

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