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...digital oral hearing in the beginning of this year. What does the judgement mean for the Digital Services Act?  The judgement is not only a huge step forward for those affected by mass hate crimes on online platforms but should also have an impact on the current negotiations on the...

...of online violence. Introduce summary proceedings for content decisions to make sure that court decisions can be taken in a speedy manner and expenses kept lower, therefore ensuring that users can seek effective and affordable judicial redress. Codify obligation for online platforms to delete illegal content, so authorities can keep...

to the press release TwitterTrial: lawsuit only possible in Ireland Donate now Making human rights count online. About us HateAid is a non-profit organisation that promotes human rights in digital space and stands up against digital violence and its consequences at both social and political levels. ...

...to authorities and seek orders against the online providers to remove illegal content. For example, if a user is attacked online with a death threat or racial hate speech, and platform fails to remove it, despite notifications, the affected person can turn to authorities to request a content removal order...

...for users. Instead, the DSA relies too heavily on measures against abusive reporting and potentially unlawful deletion of content in social media. The aim is to prevent a restriction of users‘ freedom of expression. But freedom of expression is also at risk when victims of digital violence cannot enforce the...

...seriously and do not turn them away. Easier prosecution of perpetrators of digital violence Until recently, there was little awareness on the part of law enforcement agencies and legislators that not only deleting illegal content but also prosecuting the perpetrators is important in combating hate speech online....

...adopted its Opinion on the Digital Services Act. In it – a long awaited position to curb online image-based abuse on porn platforms. Adoption of the amendment, introducing additional requirements to stop dissemination of image-based abuse material on porn platforms, came three weeks after victims of online image-based...

For independent research: Taming Musk and Co. Lacking transparency: the bosses of the social media companies are banning more and more researchers from their platforms. However, we urgently require their findings to counter hate, disinformation, extremism and antisemitism. The President of the EU Commission can change that now....

...second young adult is victim of digital violence Silenced: Every second woman is afraid to express her opinion freely online An indictment of Facebook, Twitter and Co.: Over 80% of Europeans demand more protection We call on the EU: Stop digital violence now! Dramatic situation in the EU: Every second...

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