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Josephine Ballon

CEO at HateAid


After studying law and completing her legal clerkship, Josephine Ballon was admitted as a lawyer in 2018 working in the field of consumer rights and legal tech. In November 2019 she joined HateAid as Head of Legal. Since September 2023, she has been leading the organisation together with Anna-Lena von Hodenberg as CEO. Since July 2024, she has been a member of the advisory board of the Digital Services Coordinator in Germany.

Josephine Ballon is advocating to improve the legal framework and access to justice for those affected by online violence who are left largely unprotected against violations of their rights. She was invited as an expert several times, e.g., to the Legal Affairs Committee and the Committee of Digital Agenda of the German Federal Parliament and the European Parliament to testify about law enforcement against online hate crimes, gender-specific digital violence and platform regulation.