Stop online hate against women!
Currently, the European Parliament discusses a new EU law against gender-based violence, the “Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence”. The EU now has the chance to stop attacks and humiliations against women.
HateAid calls on all Members of the European Parliament to advocate for swift negotiations and effective provisions within the new Directive.
Every day, women and girls are sexualised, insulted and threatened on social media
% of female members of parliaments in Europe have already been target of sexist attacks on social media.
Source: Report München (2019).
% of women in Germany have suffered from unauthorised disclosure of their address or other forms of private data.
Source: Report München (2019).
% of women in the EU express their opinions online less often for fear of hate.
Source: HateAid (2021) Boundless Hate.
The consequences for victims of digital violence are often severe. Many victims withdraw from public debate on social media. They change their place of residence for their own safety or they lose their jobs. Victims often suffer from sleeplessness, panic attacks and other psychological harms, even leading to suicide.
We are sick of the hate and violence against women! Now it’s time for the EU to take real action.
Our demands
We call on the EU:

Photo: Selene Magnolia
Misogynists call for hate attacks in messaging boards and other social media platforms.
Far-right extremists deliberately publish private addresses of women and incite others to organise real-life attacks.
Intimate images are secretly taken or manipulated and deliberately disseminated online.
The goal: to silence women by wearing them down and pushing them out of the public sphere. When women and girls try to take action against the perpetrators, they often fail. This is because not all forms of violence, like doxxing or image-based sexual abuse, are criminalised in the EU. And reports to the police are often dismissed.
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