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...off the platform and stop their work. What is the Digital Services Act (DSA)? The Digital Services Act is a new European Union regulation that aims to regulate online platforms and reduce the spread of disinformation and digital violence. Online platforms are, for example, social media or...

...and of the Council on a Single Market For Digital Services (Digital Services Act) and amending Directive 2000/31/EC”. Doxxing: collecting and publishing sensitive data such as home address and workplace: just one of the many faces of online crime, which can also quickly become a major threat offline. What is...

...most. So how does the current proposal of the DSA face the problem of arbitrary decisions and high-threshold access to justice in the area of illegal hate speech online? Instead of strengthening the rule of law as guaranteed by national courts, the Commission attempts to build a parallel universe by...

...large amount of criticism, including hate, insults or threats, in a short period of time. A shitstorm is often triggered by a current event. Those affected should remain calm and react calmly. Not all comments need to be answered. Discussions are often pointless because the posts often only serve...

...alone and made the rest of the society realise that this is a real problem that seriously affects the lives of survivors and those around them.  What do you offer to people affected by image-based violence?      We have various types of content available online to answer people’s questions and...

...disinformation campaigns and provide them to top media and news agencies such as Reuters. We stand up for the rights of victims of digital violence in court: in Germany, we participate in digital policy legislative processes to improve the legal framework for those affected. We are conducting a landmark case...

...the health authorities in your area. If they are not available, please contact the: Crisis helpline The hotline is nationwide, free of charge and available around the clock: 0800 – 1110111 0800 – 1110222 116123 Here you can find the list of regional offices. Public prosecutor’s office...

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