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About us

HateAid is a non-profit organisation that promotes human rights in digital space and stands up against digital violence and its consequences at both social and political levels.

HateAid strengthens democracy in digital space.

We’re here to make the digital world a positive place for everyone. Regardless of gender, origin, religious belief and much more. To this end, we aim first and foremost at strengthening democratic values by providing direct counselling and legal support in cases of digital violence, by raising awareness of problems in politics and society and by providing specific solutions for a better coexistence.

All of this with one goal in mind: an internet that allows freedom of speech and participation.


Here you will find the latest HateAid press releases around our work, current initiatives and findings.

Systemic failure: HateAid files a complaint against TikTok with the German Federal Network Agency
Auf grünem Farbverlauf sind insgesamt vier einzelne Kommentare auf jeweils weißem Hintergrund zu sehen. In verschiedenen Schriftarten und mit Sonderzeichen versehen zeigen sie jeweils folgenden Text: "Natzi ...", "...G3w4lt ...", "H0l0c@ust" sowie "... defend europe".
X finds loophole: Strategic lawsuit only possible in Ireland
Aufsteller Twitter-Vogel (X) mit der Aufschrift "#TwitterTrial against antisemitism" vor dem Landgericht Berlin

Online magazine

Here you will find current articles, interviews and analyses from the field of digital violence.