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Press releases and statements:
Our voice for human rights in digital space

Press releases:

X finds loophole: Strategic lawsuit only possible in Ireland
Aufsteller Twitter-Vogel (X) mit der Aufschrift "#TwitterTrial against antisemitism" vor dem Landgericht Berlin
Hatred against women in politics: Insults online acceptable to every third person
Close the gap: securing womens voices - Beitragsbild mit hellblauem Hintergrund und Schriftzug "Close the gap"
Mixed feelings: Digital Services Act replaces NetzDG
Deepfakes and dick pics: EU protects women from digital violence
A sign in front of the European Parliament in Strasbourg with the slogan "Stand against gender-based online violence" and a reenacted crime scene in front of it
Free research in danger: X locks critical voices out

Statements and open letters:

Porn platforms must be designated as Very Large Online Platforms
sandfarbenes Bild mit de
Letter to EU co-legislators to combat violence against women and domestic Violence

More information on politics and democracy on the internet