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...as an example.  A penchant for hate speech and Kremlin-friendly content: The people behind #Warmonger  In our latest research, we analysed posts on Twitter that mention the term “warmonger”. 18,000 times the term was shared between the start of the war in February 2022 and mid-June. Just for comparison:...

...be new laws against image-based online violence.” HateAid has been advocating and campaigning for comprehensive protection against gender-based online violence in the political process leading to the new directive. The focus of this commitment has been on criminalising the dissemination of nonconsensual sexualised deepfakes and unsolicited sending of...

...“Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence”. The EU now has the chance to stop attacks and humiliations against women. HateAid calls on all Members of the European Parliament to advocate for swift negotiations and effective provisions within the new Directive. Every day, women and...

...repeated in France. Gilbert Flam, president of the European and International affairs of LICRA “In this particular period for France and with the presidential elections coming up, LICRA considers that the IT platforms are responsible when it comes to moderating online hate speech. The recent court decision in...

...points the way in a completely wrong direction. The good and concise development of Art. 15(1) e-commerce Directive by the courts is fundamentally put into question by this far-reaching amendment and should therefore not be part of the DSA. Overview of the case Künast vs. Facebook The judges have...

...illegal content and run mostly automated assessment of such reports, removals of abusive material are often slow, complicated and reliant on personal connections. If a platform does not react or their algorithm does not detect the abuse, nothing happens. But in reality, we know that impact on the victims is...

...seriously and do not turn them away. Easier prosecution of perpetrators of digital violence Until recently, there was little awareness on the part of law enforcement agencies and legislators that not only deleting illegal content but also prosecuting the perpetrators is important in combating hate speech online....

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