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...24b in the Digital Services Act! The European citizens and 214,000 petition signatories count on this necessary step for women and others affected by the mass distribution of stolen and manipulated nudes. Therefore, in accordance with the European Parliament’s position we demand: verification for content uploaders, qualified reporting procedures, and...

...and legal support in cases of digital violence, by raising awareness of problems in politics and society and by providing specific solutions for a better coexistence. All of this with one goal in mind: an internet that allows freedom of speech and participation. Counselling Have you experienced...

...a growing problem across Europe. HateAid has turned to experts in the fields of internet law and image-based sexual abuse to assess these proposals.  Therefore, Professor Clare McGlynn, Durham University, and Professor Lorna Woods, University of Essex, based on a commission by HateAid, have authored the expert opinion “Image-Based...

...laptop. If you’re not sure how to do this, you can find detailed instructions here for Mac, here for Windows, and here for Linux. Please also remember to save not only the screenshots of the content but also the URLs to the comment and to the profile of...

...legal costs for all We want to ensure that it does not depend on the income of affected persons whether they can defend themselves legally against the perpetrators. After all, in many cases marginalised and already discriminated population groups are affected. Our offer is therefore free of charge...

European Parliament’s Committee on Womens’ Rights and Gender Equality proposes to halt image-based abuse on porn platforms. Digital Services Act update It’s good news and hope for millions of women and members of the LGBTIQ* community! This morning European Parliament’s Committee on Womens’ Rights and Gender Equality (FEMM Committee)...

No. 1 point of contact for mental health crises. The social psychiatric service In the event of an acute mental crisis, please contact the social psychiatric service of the local health authorities directly. It accompanies and advises people with mental illnesses and their relatives and is a contact point...

Anna-Lena von Hodenberg CEO at HateAid Photos Anna-Lena von HodenbergDownload Anna-Lena von HodenbergDownload Anna-Lena von HodenbergDownload Biography Anna-Lena von Hodenberg is a professional journalist, having worked, among others, for media companies RTL and NDR. In 2020, she was awarded the Digital Female Leader Award, in 2021, Capital magazine included...

...and Anti-Semitic Violence e. V. Those affected by anti-Semitism Consultation Centres in Germany for Victims of Right-Wing, Racist and Anti-Semitic Violence e. V. Those affected by Islamophobia Overview of consultation centers in the CLAIM Alliance network. Consultation Centres in Germany for Victims of Right-Wing, Racist and Anti-Semitic Violence e. V....

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