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...for users. Instead, the DSA relies too heavily on measures against abusive reporting and potentially unlawful deletion of content in social media. The aim is to prevent a restriction of users‘ freedom of expression. But freedom of expression is also at risk when victims of digital violence cannot enforce the...

...the society, not seeing a way out of a nightmare. 5 years and hundreds of thousands of victims later, all eyes are on Europe as it paves its way to regulate social media platforms. HateAid and Anna Nackt argue that the Digital Services Act (DSA), the new content moderation...

...academia and MEPs, should celebrate. The scope and consequences of image-based sexual abuse are devastating, and I am pleased that the European Parliament has taken the matter in their hands. Now it is the time for the governments and the Council to recognize significance of the issue and act by...

...All too often, this fails due to public prosecutors’ offices and the platforms’ unwillingness to cooperate. Legislation is needed here: platforms must be obliged to cooperate, and public prosecutors must be made aware of the relevance of digital violence. Acceptance of the internet as a place where laws apply ...

...Dr. Volker Quaschning, Expert for renewable energies, energy transition, climate protection Prof. Dr. Janina Steinert, Technical University of Munich Julia Wandt, Co-Initiatior of Scicomm-Support and University of Freiburg Marina Weisband, Psychologist and author Lena Altman, CO-CEO Alfred Landecker Foundation Silke Mülherr, CO-CEO Alfred Landecker Foundation ISD Germany Jana Faus and...

...The two plaintiffs will appeal against the decision of the Berlin District Court to clarify, among other things, the question of whether they are consumers after all. Avital Grinberg, former president of EUJS, said: “Of course, I am also affected as a consumer. And of course I talk...

...the net leaves its mark. In view of the increasing brutalization on the Internet, many people are afraid to take a stand. 43 percent of women and 35 percent of men are generally more cautious and anonymous in social media because of possible attacks. An indictment of Facebook, Twitter and...

...contact points for users in each Member State, allowing for delivery of legal documents in one of the official languages of the country. At the moment users need to translate documents and deliver them to the country of establishment of the online platform. In case of Facebook – it’s Ireland,...

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