Appeal to politicians: Stop the distribution of stolen nudes on porn platforms!
📢 Now it depends on MEP Christel Schaldemose – and you!
The system is broken: porn platforms ruthlessly earn on abuse. We need your support to stop “revenge porn” and other forms of image-based sexual abuse on porn platforms.
Negotiations on the EU’s basic internet law, the Digital Services Act are in the very last stages, predicted to conclude at the end of April. We have already achieved that violence on porn platforms and non-consensual sharing of intimate images particularly, is discussed within these negotiations.
But it is still up in the air whether special rules for porn platforms that would help victims, will make it into the law. That’s why we need to get active now. And we don’t have much time left. Therefore, we urgently ask for your support now!
Do you want to get active against non-consensual sharing of stolen and leaked intimate images?
Here is what you can do now: Join our social media campaign to Christel Schaldemose, lead negotiator for the European Parliament.
📱 Write this text on Tuesday, April 19, from 10 am:
„Stay strong, @SchaldemoseMEP! Don’t let perpetrators go unpunished. Make image-based abuse on porn platforms stop through the DSA! #dontlookaway“
to MEP Christel Schaldemose on:
Twitter: @schaldemoseMEP
Instagram: @christelschaldemose
Facebook: Christel Schaldemose.
You don’t have a social media account? No problem:
Send an email to MEP Schaldemose, lead Digital Services Act negotiator for the European Parliament and ask her to insist on the article 24b in the Digital Services Act, to stop image-based abuse on porn platforms.
📨 Contact MEP Schaldemose by e-mail and send her the following text:
To: christel.schaldemose@ep.europa.eu
Make image-based abuse stop!
Dear MEP Christel Schaldemose,
our time is now: The power to protect women and other victims from image-based sexual abuse is in your hands.
I am asking you to persist on the inclusion of Article 24b in the Digital Services Act! European citizens and 214,000 petition signatories count on you.
Every day, thousands of intimate images and videos are published on porn platforms – many of them without consent. Image-based sexual violence, which is primarily directed against women, is thus disseminated worldwide in a matter of seconds. Porn platforms have shown no incentives to change nor improve the quality of their content moderation. After all, the abuse is profitable for them.
The consequences for those affected: Shame, isolation, psychological stress and even suicide.
Ms Schaldemose, now you have it in your hands to help victims and prevent next generations of women from being affected , with the help of the DSA.
Make image-based abuse on porn platforms stop!
Petition #notyoutporn: https://www.change.org/p/christine-lambrecht-notyourporn-abuse-on-porn-platforms-must-be-prosecuted-5d9de626-88cd-443d-8cc9-1594f1e4440d
Petition #makeitsafe: https://hateaid.org/petition/stoppt-digitale-gewalt-gegen-frauen-makeitsafe/
Kind regards,