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Protest in Brussels against hate speech, dick pics, and online attacks

Unnoticed by many, the negotiations on the Digital Services Act (DSA) are entering a crucial phase. With a protest action in front of the European Parliament, HateAid is now increasing the pressure on the EU lawmakers negotiating the new EU internet law.

Mitglieder der Protestveranstaltung in Brüssel mit Plakaten.
Photo: Ali Selvi
Eine Frau bei der Protestveranstaltung mit einer Postkarte in der Hand.
Photo: Ali Selvi
Mitglieder der Protestveranstaltung in Brüssel mit Plakaten.
Photo: Ali Selvi

Are you fed up with Facebook, Twitter and others putting profit ahead of the well-being of their users? Then do something about it. It’s easy: sign our petition to the EU now!