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...been digitally attacked? Then contact our consultation team. To the consultation The state is at your side Criminal proceedings We are also happy to take on the work for you when it comes to filing a criminal complaint and you are not yourself affected. For example,...

Report: Facebook fails to remove toxic content ahead of the French Presidential elections Hate speech in the French presidential race: Facebook failed to remove 70% of highly toxic comments, fuelling violence against migrants and women in the public debate ahead of the April election. This is the finding of...

...legally compliant screenshots at Twitter How to take legally compliant screenshots at Facebook How to take legally compliant screenshots at Instagram How to take legally compliant screenshots at TikTok More tips for legally compliant screenshots Screenshots can be created on the smartphone as well as on the PC or...

Consultation for all. Target group-specific first aid   The HateAid victim consultation is the first point of contact for all adults who have experienced digital violence. If you have experienced violence off the internet or are looking for experts to advise you in a particular field of experience,...

...online, HateAid finds it impossible to follow this reasoning, considering how hard and expensive it is to go to a court. Also, no changes were introduced to make communication with online platforms easier for users. HateAid has called on the EU to oblige very large online platforms to establish...

...that freedom of expression is a great good. However, it also has its limits – pointing out these limits is important so that ALL participants can express their opinions free from fear of hate and incitement. This is what we are committed to. Hierfür setzen wir uns ein. You...

...freely and harm unmeasurably the women that are displayed. Thus, not including porn platforms among the designated VLOPs would undermine the DSA’s attributions and the European Union’s commitment to improving gender equity online. To us, it is therefore essential that online porn platforms are subject to the extensive...

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