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...now have it in their hands to include in the law the Article 24b, that can effectively protect victims. For years, porn platforms have profited from the abuse, having no accountability, and providing no support to affected persons. The consequences for victims are devastating: Shame, isolation, psychological stress and...

...Management #FreeTravisFreeResearch Travis Brown is one of many researchers studying how social media platforms operate. Now, the data analyst is facing a permanent ban from X (formerly Twitter). The reason: Elon Musk wants to prevent by all means that we get insights into the engine room of his platform....

...“Sozialpsychiatrischer Dienst” (social psychiatric service) plus your country or city into a search engine. Also a few of the services mentioned here only have a website in German language. Baden-Württemberg Form to search for the competent authorities in Baden-Württemberg (Language switcher at the top of the website) Bavaria Social psychiatric...

...hate & digital violence against women. Now is the time for the EU to take action! Our demands to the EU on the “Directive on combating violence against women and domestic violence” can be found here. © HateAidDownload © HateAidDownload © HateAidDownload © HateAidDownload © HateAidDownload © HateAidDownload © HateAidDownload...

...justice system and law enforcement. Laws need to be simpler and more comprehensive, but this is complicated due to the different jurisdictions in the individual states. There is therefore an urgent need for greater harmonisation of the laws in the various European countries in order to guarantee uniform consequences. This...

...intimate images?  Here is what you can do now: Join our social media campaign to Christel Schaldemose, lead negotiator for the European Parliament. 📱 Write this text on Tuesday, April 19, from 10 am: „Stay strong, @SchaldemoseMEP! Don’t let perpetrators go unpunished. Make image-based abuse on porn platforms stop through the DSA! #dontlookaway“  to MEP Christel Schaldemose on: Twitter: @schaldemoseMEP Instagram: @christelschaldemose  Facebook:...

...that affect us all. That’s why we also need a public debate, for example about the responsibility of social media platforms. This is exactly what X is now evading with legal manoeuvers. If necessary, we will go through all levels of jurisdiction to finally clarify this question.” In its...

The HateAid reporting form. The best way to contact us Whether you’ve experienced digital violence yourself, witnessed online attacks, or want to report cases of hate speech online: you’ve come to the right place. Please fill out our reporting form. Our consultation team will carefully check everything and then get...

...digital violence? We are there for you personally. Both in acute cases and long-term. Free of charge and without obligation. Go to consultation service Legal costs Are you looking for legal support? We finance lawsuits if you want to take action against hate on the internet. Go to litigation...

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